Try Redboard for six months—with no risk.
You'll get full access to all features. If you don't love it, for any reason, you'll get a full refund.
Redboard pricing plans are simple.
All plans are based on the size of your credit union.
You'll get full access to all features. If you don't love it, for any reason, you'll get a full refund.
Redboard pricing plans are simple.
All plans are based on the size of your credit union.
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Common Questions
- How does your guarantee work? Our Six Month Unconditional Guarantee is simple. Use Redboard for 6 months. If you don’t love it, for any reason or no reason, just tell us and we'll send you a full refund.
- How many users can I have? All plans come with unlimited users. It costs nothing to include your business users. Add as many users as you’d like, at no additional cost.
- What if I don’t have budget available until next year? If you would like to get started with Redboard now, we can setup a payment structure to defer license costs into your next budget period.
- What’s the average cost per user? If you break down the annual investment to a per user amount, our customers invest between $1.15 and $1.50 per day per user. About the same price as a cup of coffee.