Both ideas aimed to fill a need for credit unions. Our “best” idea seemed more glamorous. Describing it to colleagues who work for and with credit unions elicited oohs and ahhs. On a good day, I could imagine it changing the industry.
Our second-best idea wasn’t as exciting to describe. It was practical. My colleagues didn’t light up in the same way as they listened. But almost everyone had the same response:
“You know, I’ll bet credit unions really need that right now.”
In the end, that’s why Redboard exists. It’s credit union audit software, aimed at helping you better respond to audits and regulatory examinations.
I’ve worked with credit unions for 20 years, currently as President and CEO of Axiaware. When it comes to dealing with the burdens of compliance, I know credit unions want help.
I hope that Redboard will make your job a lot easier. And save time at your credit union. And help you feel more secure in how your credit union handles your audits and regulatory exams.

FREE: Audit Checklist for Credit Unions
4 key principles and 9 questions to jumpstart your audit planning. From leading credit unions.Because Redboard addresses these problems – at a reasonable cost – I’m no longer convinced that Redboard was second best. Hopefully, you’ll feel the same way.
I invite you to read all about Redboard on our new site, watch the demo video and contact us if you have any questions, feedback or want to learn more.
- Brad Powell