We’re happy to announce the release of Redboard 10, the most comprehensive version of our audit management software platform yet. We’ve added new features and abilities that ensure smoother, more efficient credit union audits and exams.
When we debuted Redboard, it was a secure project management platform designed to help credit union compliance teams manage and navigate their annual regulatory exams. However, after incorporating client feedback, the platform is much more flexible and robust than ever.
All-New Credit Union Audit Management Software
The three lines of defense is an important compliance model for financial institutions. Our recent changes to Redboard have made it easier for credit union compliance teams to implement our software in their 2nd and 3rd lines of defense.
Additionally, by increasing the ease of use, we’ve invited business users to benefit from the massive audit time savings provided by Redboard.
Here are the latest changes.
1. Internal Audit Functionality
Redboard 10 now supports internal credit union audit and compliance teams. Early versions of Redboard were designed primarily for examinations and external audits.
However, most compliance concerns involve frequent audits—many of our clients begin 1–2 new ones each month! Redboard is now optimized for internal and external audit teams, which provides new opportunities for efficiency and time savings in regulatory activities!
2. Document Repository
Redboard 10’s new document repository significantly improves document storage and file management. Not only does it provide a secure, organized archive for audit and exam documents—it also simplifies building audit trails. The repository includes a tabbed visual timeline showing miscellaneous files, access history, and changes.
3. Business Unit Integration
With expanded functionality comes more users. Redboard 10 is simple to use for all users—not just the dedicated audit team. By simplifying usage for business unit users, Redboard extends the same major time savings to all participants in the audit and examination process.
Business unit integration makes it easier to get outside users on board. Instead of relying on power users, every audit and exam participant can perform their tasks on the same lightweight platform.

FREE: Audit Checklist for Credit Unions
4 key principles and 9 questions to jumpstart your audit planning. From leading credit unions.Explore Redboard 10
Ultimately, the changes to Redboard 10 increased its ease of use even further. First, our audit management software can now help with a broader range of regulatory and compliance needs. Second, it’s easy to learn—even for business units and other outside users.
The result is a sleeker, more comprehensive, more user-friendly audit management platform. We’d be happy to show you more about what Redboard can do in a short demonstration.