Everyone loves a good origin story. Most superhero franchises start with a good origin story of some kind. Origin stories let people know the people and the reason behind the icons and the brands they come to love.
In that light, we want to share our own origin story. This is a little about how we got started, why we got started, and how we chose the name “Redboard.”
So, sit tight and get out your 3D glasses. This is about to get real.
Redboard Comes from Humble Beginnings
The folks at Redboard actually started at another software company (Axiaware), and much of the support still comes from there. The other company handles a wide range of needs for financial institutions, from credit unions, to banks, to insurance providers.
At Axiaware, we had a lot of experience creating software solutions to handle various needs in the financial industry. As such, we had a good deal of insight about what problems financial institutions faced repeatedly. We were also working with several key credit union clients early on.
Some of our clients were looking for a way to improve their audit processes. We were helping them to automate and streamline their audits and exams. After all, who doesn’t like saving some time on audits?
After some discussion amongst the team, we had a brilliant idea. What if, instead of helping just a couple credit unions, we could help the entire credit union industry?
It was a crazy idea. So crazy that it just might work.
So, we set out to create a software solution that any credit union could use. The goal? To ease the pain of credit union exams and audits. The solution?
Where We Got the Name “Redboard”
As a software company, we use boards to organize and present our ideas visually. They might be any kind of board, really:
- Flip charts
- Whiteboards
- Sticky boards
The kind of board doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is a board.
We started putting stickies with ideas up on one of our boards. (Or maybe it was a wall. It was probably both. There were many ideas and only so much room on either the board or the wall.)
As we put ideas up with stickies, we needed a way to keep track of things, so we started color-coding them. We liked that practice, so we decided early on that color-coding would be key to emphasizing information on our platform.
Red obviously connotes urgency.
Many of our ideas seemed urgent, so there was a growing amount of red up on the board (and the wall). And credit union exams and audits also tend to feel urgent, so…

FREE: Audit Checklist for Credit Unions
4 key principles and 9 questions to jumpstart your audit planning. From leading credit unions.And the Rest Is History
So, we had a red board. And we knew we wanted our platform to feel appropriately urgent—or at least to emphasize which parts of the credit union audit process were the most urgent.
We chose the name Redboard.
And now we’re Redboard.
A bunch of superheroes trying to save credit unions from tedious audit processes. We streamline the most tedious aspects and we automate the others. We hope you like that sort of thing.
Subscribe to our blog to learn more about the credit union audit and examination scene. Follow the links below to see what else we’ve written about lately. Or request a demo to see what all the fuss is about.